
program docs()

Build package documentation.

birch docs

This creates a file containing the full documentation, which may converted to other formats. It also constructs a docs/ directory for use with MkDocs and MkDocs Material. If the package was created with init it will already have a mkdocs.yml file that can be used for this purpose. It is only necessary to install MkDocs and MkDocs Material, then use:

mkdocs serve

to build the documentation, and point your browser to the URL given (usually http://localhost:8000). If you are using a repository hosted on GitHub, you can also easily publish the documentation as a website using GitHub Pages, with:

mkdocs gh-deploy

The documentation is gathered from documentation comments in the source code. These are comments that precede declarations and use the double-star syntax in the tradition of tools such as JavaDoc and Doxygen:

 * Documentation comment.
 * /
class A {
  // ...

 * Documentation comment.
 * /
function f(a:A, b:B) {
  // ...

 * Documentation comment.
 * /


There should be no space between the * and / at the end of the comment, it is written with a space above to work around a rendering issue.

While the content of these documentation comments is not prescribed, the format should be Markdown, as they are copied verbatim. It is suggested that the first sentence of each comment is a brief one-sentence description, and that parameters are documented using a bulleted list as follows:

 * Do something.
 *   - **a**  The first parameter.
 *   - **b**  The second parameter.
 * **Returns**  The return value.
 * /
function f(a:A, b:B) -> C {
  // ...