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abstract class Expression<Value>(x:Value!?, flagConstant:Boolean) < Delay

Abstract interface for evaluating and differentiating expressions.

  • Value Result type.

  • x Evaluated value of the expression (optional).

  • flagConstant Is this a constant expression?
classDiagram Expression <|-- Random Expression <|-- BoxedValue Expression <|-- BoxedForm link Expression "../Expression/" link Random "../Random/" link BoxedValue "../BoxedValue/" link BoxedForm "../BoxedForm/" class Random { random argument } class BoxedValue { constant value } class BoxedForm { expression }

Delayed expressions (alternatively: lazy expressions, compute graphs, expression templates) encode mathematical expressions that can be evaluated, differentiated, and moved (using Markov kernels). They are assembled using mathematical operators and functions much like ordinary expressions, but where one or more operands or arguments are Random objects. Where an ordinary expression is evaluated immediately into a result, delayed expressions evaluate to further Expression objects.

Simple delayed expressions are trees of subexpressions with Random or Boxed objects at the leaves. In general, however, a delayed expression can be a directed acyclic graph, as subexpressions may be reused during assembly.

Simple use


Call value() on an Expression to evaluate it.

The simplest use case of a delayed expression is to assemble it and then evaluate it by calling value().

Once value() is called on an Expression, it and all subexpressions that constitute it are rendered constant. This particularly affects any Random objects in the expression, the value of which can no longer be altered.

Evaluations are memoized at checkpoints. Each Expression object that occurs in the delayed expression forms such a checkpoint. Further calls to value() are optimized to retrieve these memoized evaluations rather than re-evaluated the whole expression.

Advanced use

More elaborate use cases include computing gradients and applying Markov kernels. Call eval() to evaluate the expression in the same way as for value(), but without rendering it constant. Any Random objects in the expression that have not been rendered constant by a previous call to value() are considered arguments of the expression.

Use grad() to compute the gradient of an expression with respect to its arguments. The gradients are accumulated in the Random arguments and can be retrieved from them.

Use set() to update the value of Random arguments, then move() on the whole expression to re-evaluate it.

Use value(), not eval(), unless you are taking responsibility for correctness (e.g. moving arguments in a manner invariant to some target distribution, using a Markov kernel). Otherwise, program behavior may lack self-consistency. Consider, for example:

if x.value() >= 0.0 {
} else {

This is correct usage. Using x.eval() instead of x.value() here would allow the value of x to be later changed to a negative value, and the program would lack self-consistency, as it executed doThis() instead of doThat() based on the previous value.

Checkpoints and memoization

eval() memoizes only at checkpoints defined by Expression objects. This reduces memory use. Internally, grad() benefits from re-evaluating expressions between checkpoints to memoize intermediate results. It does so by calling peek(). These memoized intermediate results are cleared again as grad() progresses.

Member Variables

Name Description
x:Value!? Memoized result.
linkCount:Integer Count of number of parents, set by trace().
visitCount:Integer Counter used to obtain pre- and post-order traversals of the expression graph.
flagConstant:Boolean Is this a constant expression?

Member Functions

Name Description
isRandom Is this a Random expression?
isConstant Is this a constant expression?
hasValue Does this have a value?
hasGradient Does this have a gradient?
rows Number of rows in result.
columns Number of columns in result.
length Length of result.
size Size of result.
value Evaluate and render constant.
eval Evaluate.
move Re-evaluate, ignoring memos.
args Vectorize arguments and gradients.
grad Evaluate gradient with respect to arguments.
peek Evaluate.
trace Trace an expression before calling grad() or move().
constant Render the entire expression constant.

Member Function Details


final function args() -> (Real[_], Real[_])

Vectorize arguments and gradients.

Returns The vectorized arguments and gradients.


final function columns() -> Integer

Number of columns in result.


final override function constant()

Render the entire expression constant.


final function eval() -> Value!


Returns The result.


final function grad<Gradient>(g:Gradient)

Evaluate gradient with respect to arguments. Clears memos at fine-grain.

  • g Upstream gradient.

The expression is treated as a function, and the arguments defined as those Random objects in the expression that are not constant.

If the expression encodes

x_n = f(x_0) = (f_n \circ \cdots \circ f_1)(x_0),

and this particular object encodes one of those functions x_i = f_i(x_{i-1}), the upstream gradient d is

\frac{\partial (f_n \circ \cdots \circ f_{i+1})} {\partial x_i}\left(x_i\right).

grad() then computes:

\frac{\partial (f_n \circ \cdots \circ f_{i})} {\partial x_{i-1}}\left(x_{i-1}\right),

and passes the result to the next step in the chain, which encodes f_{i-1}. The argument that encodes x_0 keeps the final result---it is a Random object.

Reverse-mode automatic differentiation is used. The previous call to eval() constitutes the forward pass, and the call to grad() the backward pass.

Because expressions are, in general, directed acyclic graphs, a counting mechanism is used to accumulate upstream gradients into any shared subexpressions before visiting them. This ensures that each subexpression is visited only once, not as many times as it is used. Mathematically, this is equivalent to factorizing out the subexpression as a common factor in the application of the chain rule. It turns out to be particularly important when expressions include posterior parameters after multiple Bayesian updates applied by automatic conditioning. Such expressions can have many common subexpressions, and the counting mechanism results in automatic differentiation of complexity O(N) in the number of updates, as opposed to O(N^2) otherwise.


final function hasGradient() -> Boolean

Does this have a gradient?


final function hasValue() -> Boolean

Does this have a value?


final function isConstant() -> Boolean

Is this a constant expression?


override function isRandom() -> Boolean

Is this a Random expression?


final function length() -> Integer

Length of result. This is synonymous with rows().


final function move(x:Real[_]) -> Value!

Re-evaluate, ignoring memos. Memoizes at coarse-grain (i.e. Expression objects, not forms).

  • x Vectorized arguments.

Returns The result.


final function peek() -> Value!


Returns The result.


final function rows() -> Integer

Number of rows in result.


final function size() -> Integer

Size of result. This is equal to rows()*columns().


final function trace()

Trace an expression before calling grad() or move(). This traces through the expression and, for each Expression object, updates the count of its number of parents. This is necessary to ensure correct and efficient execution of grad() and move(), as these counts ensure that each node in the graph is visited exactly once.


final function value() -> Value!

Evaluate and render constant.

Returns The result.